Contact the chronic venous disease (CVD) specialists

Contact a VeinCareTeam specialist directly

Dr. Giorgio Ovidio Bitossi

Giorgio Ovidio Bitossi
Office address Office address: Svizzera 185/bis (Centro Piero della Francesca) 3rd floor - Torino (TO)
Landline telephone Tel.: (+39) 011 19827827

 Dott. Daniele Maggio

Daniele Maggio
Office address Office: Via Trinità, 3 bis - Santena (TO) ITALY
Landline telephone number Tel.: (+39) 011 9456378

Dr. Jean-Daniel Rostan

Jean Daniel Rostan
Office address Office: Via Cavour, 2 - Torre Pellice (TO) ITALY
Landline telephone number Tel.: (+39) 0121 953077
Mobile telephone number Mob.: (+39) 328 3440533
Office address Office: Svizzera 185/bis (Centro Piero della Francesca) 3rd floor - Torino (TO)
Mobile telephone number Mob.: (+39) 328 3440533
office address Ospedale Humanitas Mater Domini: Via per Gerenzano, 2 - Castellanza (VA)
Landline teelephone Tel.: (+39) 033 1476210

Send a contact request to a VeinCareTeam specialist

Complete the fields below to send an instant message to one of our specialists. Please fill in all fields marked with an *.

Photos for preliminary assessment
To allow us to make a preliminary assessment of your venous disease, please send us a photo of the affected area or medical reports. Compress the file or folder containing the medical reports and/or photos and check the final file size. Use this form if the compressed file is smaller than 5 MB, clicking on Choose file and selecting the file to be sent. If the compressed file is larger than 5 MB, send the request with all the required information but with no attachment, as the form is not designed for attachments larger than 5 MB. We will then provide you with a private email address to send any material for assessment.

Privacy and use of data
The information and data communicated via this request form shall be considered confidential and shall not be disseminated or communicated to third parties. It shall be used exclusively for communications regarding the treatment of chronic venous disease by the Veincareteam and shall be processed pursuant to the provisions of Italian Law 196/03 and UE Regulation no. 2016/679 (GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation).